

All the doctors and some of the practice nurses are qualified to provide family planning services.  Dr Shellens and Dr Baynham are qualified to fit IUDs and IUSs, and Dr Clausen and Dr Baynham are qualified to fit Contraceptive Implants

Pill checks with a sexual health review are recommended annually and can be booked through reception with one of our nurses.

Emergency contraception

This should be requested as soon as reasonably possible. It can be taken up to three days after unprotected intercourse.  95% of pregnancies are prevented if taken within 24 hours. However, the later the emergency contraceptive pill is taken, the lower the chance of success. The copper IUD is a small plastic and copper device which can be fitted into your womb by a doctor or nurse within five days of having unprotected sex. It works by stopping sperm from reaching an egg. The IUD has almost a 100% success rate.

Different Types of Contraception

There are many different types of contraception available and preference will depend on many factors.

The following links to the NHS website will give you further details on the main methods of contraception: